Customer Testimonials

Our customers love what we do and we like nothing more than happy customers!

Here's a selection of what some of our customers have said about our service...

Great rates, great service, great job Well done, will definitely recommend

Michael Coates

Dear Richard

Many thanks for a great job today.  Quickly and efficiently  demolished and removed 2 sheds and a ton of rubble! Very polite and friendly service at a reasonable price. No hesitation in recommending.

Mark Barrett

Hi Richard,

just thought I would drop you a line to say thanks for the job you did for me last week.
The garden looks like it should do now that you have removed the waste.

Mark Phillips




Rubbish Clearance Bedfordshire
Unit 1, Chells Industrial Units, Chells Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG2 0LQ | Tel: 01438 215 018

Registered Waste Collectors - CBDU58375 ©2018